Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Your Business Merchant Account

Do you have a business merchant account? If not, isn’t it time you got one? The companies you compete against for customer business may already have this special account that allows them to process customers’ credit payments. If you are not yet doing so, why not apply for a merchant account to help your business grow?

A business merchant account is the best way to expand your company’s operations and conduct e-commerce without risking too much of an investment. Simply apply for a merchant account the way an individual would apply for a personal credit card. As with individual applicants, a company needs to show a positive credit history and the ability to make payments on a merchant account at present. In addition, it cannot be involved in shady dealings with which the underwriters might not agree. Many lenders will let you apply online, although some charge a fee for this. Often you will get a decision on your application within a day or two. If approved, you can begin making arrangements to accept credit payments in a variety of ways. Pay attention to fees and payment terms. For example, you may be asked to pay 15 to 25 cents per transaction. Or you could have the choice of paying a low overall percentage rate. Some lenders impose minimums, though, meaning you will have to pay a “bottom line” fee no matter how many transactions you make.

Your business merchant account will let you purchase or lease a credit card processor that can be plugged into your store. Or you can take a wireless version with you when collecting payments from other locations. Many business owners prefer to use a telephone ordering and payment system. This can be automated, reducing the need for staffing except for questions or glitches. Customers can speak or touch-dial their credit card numbers into the phone to process orders at their convenience. You will need to make sure your system is fully operational at all times and that it is customer-friendly to keep from annoying or even driving away current or new clients.

When you utilize a business merchant account, you can receive a printed monthly statement, discounts for other services, and occasional other benefits as well. Being able to accept credit card payments suggests that customers will look at you a little differently, knowing that you have earned an underwriter’s trust for this important role. Posting signs for accepting credit card payments places your company in the ranks of the elite, since many smaller or newer companies do not yet enjoy this privilege. When you begin accepting credit card processing, you can move away from cash-only payments or checks that can bounce. The time saved from managing cash flow can be channeled into more meaningful tasks.

Getting a merchant account means that you’re ready to upgrade your business, and that you are taking extra steps to accommodate your customers. Be proud to receive a merchant account, knowing that not everyone is approved. Handle it responsibly, since you have much to be thankful for with your new business merchant account.  

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Get The Best Credit Card Merchant Account

Looking for the best credit card merchant account? Admittedly, there are a plethora of lenders to choose from when you browse the Internet for merchant account services. But what are you really looking for? Do you want an enhanced business image? Increased public exposure? A larger client base? Additional sales and revenues? Then you’re on the right track! A merchant account can do all this and more when you work with the right company.

Finding a quality lender to work with for the best credit card merchant account is not as difficult as you might think. You can start by asking your local banker for information about its merchant accounts. If you don’t feel the terms are quite right for your company, ask for a referral or check out other local banks yourself. You also might want to try credit unions or reputable lenders to see if you can partner with a financial underwriter in your community. That way you will get to know the company representative and perhaps meet occasionally face to face, which is always a desirable goal in business when feasible. But if not, there are plenty of good lenders to work with.

The best credit card merchant account providers tend to compete with each other to get business owners’ business. In fact, some will offer to meet or beat a competing underwriter’s price. So if you like the terms but not the price at a particular bank, find a lower rate somewhere else and tell the first bank about it. Perhaps you can get your preferred terms and lower costs at the bank of your choice. But if it doesn’t work out for some reason, keep looking for other lenders and shop for the deal that will best suit your company’s growth plan. It’s just a matter of matching your needs with the lender’s capabilities to make a match that satisfies both of you.

What would the best credit card merchant account do for your business? You can start accepting credit card payments immediately when you get approved for a merchant account. Start by installing a simple credit card processor, the kind that swipes a credit card, at your place of business. Then you may want to consider digital telephone credit processing services. Or you might opt to go wireless if you travel to remote destinations to collect payments. You can even put up a company Website as your crowning achievement and accept credit card payments there as well. In a very short time your client base could multiply, along with your profits, all because of your merchant account status. Are your competitors already using technology like this to accept credit card payments? Then you have no time to lose!

Start shopping now for a lender that will approve your application, offer low-fee services, and provide reliable support while you upgrade your company’s business image. Don’t stop with the first company to offer you a merchant account. You deserve the best so don’t settle for less when you apply for your bank merchant account.

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Credit Card Merchant Account Services

Did you know that could possibly multiply your sales receipts within a matter of weeks or months? Of course, other factors will play a role in the overall success of this strategy, but many company owners claim that the simple step of accepting credit card payments increased their income dramatically in a relatively short amount of time. That is why you need to know more about the benefits of credit card merchant services.

Basically, the premise of using credit card merchant account services works like this. You find a trusted lender with experience in merchant accounts. You might even want to check with customers at some of the lending institutions to see if they are satisfied with their merchant account services. You also can find online testimonials, although these may be biased when situated at the Websites of various lenders. You could visit chat rooms devoted to topics like this one that are sure to be discussed among entrepreneurs or start-up business owners. After getting objective feedback on several possible lenders, you can choose the one that seems like the best bet for your company.

It is a simple process to apply for credit card merchant account services. After reducing your possible underwriters to three or four after searching the Internet or checking with colleagues, it then becomes a matter of comparing and contrasting benefits with fees. Some companies are so well known that they can afford to charge more for their merchant account services. Others have recently added this option, so they might reduce, avoid, or omit certain fees in order to get your business. However, you may have to pay these fees after the first year or another type of trial period. Read all the terms carefully so that you understand how the account works, how much it costs, and what the potential glitches might be. Contact the lender with any questions or uncertainties before applying for an account. Then, when approved, you should feel confident that you have made a good investment.

Obtaining credit card merchant account services will let you accept credit card payments from your customers in a variety of ways. If you own or operate a store, for example, they can pay onsite with a credit card processor that you can plug into a wall outlet. But if you deliver goods or services to homes or businesses, you may want to take along a wireless credit card processor. Depending on how your customers like to pay and the level of involvement you want to pursue, you can add a pager and an e-check or debit processor right away or later on, depending on equipment cost and your need.

Being approved for a merchant services account will help you expand the way you do business. Many consumers prefer to pay by credit card, so accepting payments via this method will attract that segment of buyers and increase your volume of sales. Soon your profit margins should increase as well. Start thinking now about adding credit card merchant account services to your business. 

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